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40 years of passion for Automation

From 30 years we have been listening to your industrial automation needs. Tecoma s.r.l. is a firm that operate like sale company of pneumatic components and industrial equipments 100% Made in Italy, like:

  • Pneumatic
  • Aluminium structural profile
  • Vacuum components
  • valve for fluids
  • pickup systems
  • work units
  • equipment


A family production

The corporate philosophy and the willingness of being true to the quality of the products offered have brought Tecoma’s partners to define a larger project which has determined the establishment of Vesta Automation s.r.l., which is a manufacturing firm of pneumatic components, which uses only 100% Made in Italy raw materials.

This is the only way that allows us to produce an output of high quality and accuracy, that is reliable, longer-lasting, competitive in price and elegant. Because the elegancy isn’t an habit, but one of the most valuable human aspect of our 100% Made in Italy technology.


Our Know-How

The experience of our Team on this field allows us to develop the know how and to share it with you. In this way we can help you to optimize the use of resources, to improve the production process and the technological level of your factory.

Many years ago Tecoma s.r.l. has started partnerships with important R&D national centres like University of Padova, CNR of Padova, INF of Legnaro (Padova) and Basovizza (Trieste) for innovative and technological solutions.

